Bolsonaro no NYT: “Pior presidente do mundo”

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O New York Times produziu um vídeo em inglês com o youtuber (e tiktoker) brasileiro Felipe Neto, com chamada na home page para “Trump não é o pior presidente de pandemia. Basta perguntar aos brasileiros”. No vídeo, diz coisas como:

“Ok, no momento, somos apenas o segundo em mortes, mas tenho certeza de que o nosso líder, Jair Bolsonaro, é o pior presidente da Covid no mundo. Bolsonaro é um militar que defendeu o uso de tortura sob a ditadura do Brasil… Vocês ficaram irritados por causa de um mísero comício de Trump em Tulsa. Mas Bolsonaro faz isso o tempo todo. Ele vai a manifestações contra o Congresso. Vai a manifestações pedindo intervenção militar. Vai a mercados lotados. Vai a cerimônias militares. Vai a protestos contra o Supremo. Isso seria repugnante mesmo sem pandemia.”

Por fim, apela aos eleitores americanos:

“Trump chama Bolsonaro de um bom amigo, e essa amizade é crucial para Bolsonaro manter sua popularidade. Ela legitima Bolsonaro. Vocês são o líder mundial em mortes por Covid e, agora, vocês estão nos levando para o abismo. Seu presidente tem pequenos representantes operando ao redor do mundo. Nós somos as vítimas deles. Portanto, se vocês estão se perguntando o que podem fazer para ajudar o Brasil a lidar com nosso lunático, não reelejam o seu.”

“Em inglês perfeito”, comentou o jornalista americano Glenn Greenwald, do Intercept. Felipe Neto avisa que o NYT deve postar o vídeo com legendas em português no YouTube, às 14h. A íntegra em inglês:

“I’m a Brazilian YouTuber and I create goofy videos and generate entertainment options for families all over the world. who speak Portuguese, which outside Brazil, Portugal and Angola are like, five families. But I’m not here today to goof around in front of a brand new audience. to speak seriously, you know the circus is probably on fire. Americans like to boast about being the world leader at everything. ‘That America is the greatest place on earth.’ And since the Covid outbreak, you are leading in Covid deaths. That is partly, of course, thanks to your president, Donald Trump, who many of you claim to be the absolute worst head of state in the democratic world today. Well, I’m about to show you that the 200 million people here in Brazil have you beat. OK, for the moment, we’re only second in deaths, but I’m certain that our leader, Jair Bolsonaro, is the worst Covid president in the world. [MUSIC PLAYING] Bolsonaro is a military man who has defended the use of torture under Brazil’s dictatorship. He then rose to presidentship using statements like this. [CHEERING] Do I need to say anything else or do you get the picture? Brazil is the fastest-rising Covid country in the world. And the W.H.O. has considered us the new epicenter of the pandemic. Still he shows no sign of taking the crisis seriously. In short, he makes Donald Trump seem like Patch Adams. Since the very beginning of the crisis, he has not stopped going out, thereby encouraging others to do the same. You guys got pissed off because of a measly Trump rally in Tulsa, three months after the outbreak in the U.S. But Bolsonaro does that all the time. He goes to demonstrations against the Congress. He goes to demonstrations calling for military intervention. He goes to packed city markets. He goes to military ceremonies. He goes barbecue hopping on a jet ski. He goes to protests against the Supreme Court. That’d be disgusting even with no pandemic. Much like Trump, Bolsonaro justifies his actions by professing to believe in miracle cures. For starters, they’re both obsessed with the hydr— hydrocloq— hydroxyclq— shut up, I’m Brazilian. They are both obsessed with a drug with no evidence of working against the disease. But there’s a big difference between Trump talking about this in press conferences and what our guy is doing. Bolsonaro has asked the health authorities to forcibly change the official medicine leaflet of hydro [INAUDIBLE] to include coronavirus as a prescribed use case. He’s also using the army’s industrial capacity to produce the medication while public hospitals face shortages of other drugs, like sedatives and painkillers. Bolsonaro also actively retaliates against any public authority who promotes safety. He fired a health minister after he insisted quarantine was a good thing. He fired the next health minister after he refused to prescribe chloroquine to all Covid patients. He then put a military man in charge of the health ministry and fired most of the technical staff who had been there for years. He’s also trying to incite violence. In April, he held a cabinet meeting in which he said: And he didn’t stop at words. He also took actions a few days later, upping the limits on how much ammunition we can buy and eliminating all gun-tracing regulations. Finally, as the crisis worsened, Bolsonaro began mocking the deceased and their families. When Brazil reached 2,500 dead, a reporter asked him for a statement on it and his answer was this. When we reached 5,000 dead. When the death toll got to 30,000. When we reached 50,000 dead, he got musical. And when we reached 60,000 he said nothing, which was probably for the best. It’s so ugly that even Donald Trump admits we’re not in good shape. ‘Ask them how are they doing in Brazil? He’s a great friend of mine. Not good.’ But there’s something else that Trump says that I’d like to leave you with. Trump calls Bolsonaro a good friend, and that friendship is crucial to Bolsonaro retaining his popularity. It legitimizes Bolsonaro. You’re the world leader in Covid deaths, and right now, you’re leading us into the abyss. Your president has little proxies operating all over the globe. We are their casualties. So if you’re wondering what you can do to help Brazil deal with our lunatic, please do not re-elect yours. This November, vote to keep Trump out of the White House.”
